Prachantakham Field Operation Centre – Composting Plant

Within the scope of the overall design and construction of Prachantakham Field Operation Centre in Prachin Buri a solid waste pilot project was carriedout.

A design was made for collection, treatment anddisposal serving 269 households and 11 operational buildings.

This pilot project is one of the first in Thailand introducing separation and recycling containers for various glass types, aluminium cans, steel tins, plastics oil, batteries, paper and non-recyclable waste.

Hazardous waste is separately collected and disposed of.

Organic and green waste is collected in bins and taken to the composting plant where it is partly shredded and screened of unsuitable material; the raw waste is then mixed with poultry manure and formed into simple windrows approximately 1 m high.

The windrows are turned periodically by manual labour.

In order to accelerate and stabilize the rotting process water, lime and a bio-activator is added.

The composting area is a concrete pad with roof and drainage facilities.

Special emphasis was laid on treatment of plant runoff and odour control.

The environmentally friendly composting plant producesa useful end product.


  • Industrial Engineering
  • Environment & Sustainability


Dorsch Consult asia Co., Ltd.


Office of Accelerated Rural Development (ARD)


From 1995 to 1996


Prachin Buri, Thailand

Project Activities

  • System selection with authorities involved
  • Design and preparation of tender documents
  • Information and motivation campaign
  • Training of operators and preparation of manuals.
