Your source for
sustainable solutions
Water Supply in Focus
Water is one of the basic elements. The supply of water, however, is facing growing challenges and these are becoming more and more complex. Climate change is having an impact on the availability of water and on its quality and quantity. New solutions are constantly needed to ensure that the basic needs for water and sanitation can be met. We apply state-of-the-art technology to obtain, treat and distribute drinking and process water. In this process, we aim to use water resources in the very best sustainable way.
Having worked on countless projects in Germany and abroad we have acquired valuable expertise over decades and can provide you with comprehensive and customized advice on the planning and implementation of water supply systems. As we consider it particularly important to exercise great care in this sector we naturally include additional tasks such as the assessment of water rights or geophysical surveys in our scope of services.

We offer the following services
- Geophysical studies
- Groundwater development and monitoring
- Numerical groundwater models
- Water quality analyses
- Groundwater decontamination
- Water law case studies
- Main activities in water supply
- Hydraulic network computations
- Network design
- Loss reduction and network rehabilitation
- Asset monitoring and remote surveillance
- Water resources masterplanning
- Treatment plants
- Pumping stations
- Water distribution plants
- Transport pipelines