At the beginning of the Programme about 40% of the population in Kosovo, mainly in rural areas, still lacked access to piped water supply systems or relied on poorly functioning ones, not managed by licensed operators. Adequate wastewater treatment is almost absent in both rural and urban areas.
The programme supports all Regional Water Companies in Kosovo to progress towards universal access by providing high quality water and sanitation services together with improved sustainability and governance of water and energy resources, thereby contributing to better living conditions.
We have designed and built a new water network on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Government of Kosovo to provide drinking water to 10 villages in the Municipality of Skenderaj.
The inauguration of the water network scheme was attended by the Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo Jean-Hubert Lebet who hold the following speech at the inauguration ceremony, honourably mentioning the work of the Dorsch - CDI joint venture
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