Dorsch GRE is providing engineering services for an ITS project in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The project consists of Comprehensive Corridor Improvements and Citywide ITS system in Addis Ababa.
Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia and home to over 3.3 million people. It is also key regional and African centre for several international organisations. The City has a high percentage of trips by walking and public transport, but still experience high levels of congestion, with long and unpredictable journey times through the day. Currently the City has less than 70 sets of traffic signals, however many of these operate poorly or not at all.
The objectives of this project are to develop designs and ITS for the improvement of 5 corridors (40km+ total length), all existing signalised junctions and many other key junctions in the City. In total the Project includes the investigation of over 215 junctions.
These corridors and individual junctions are all subject to a range of topographical, transport, road safety, environmental and social impact surveys. Concept junction designs were developed using transport modelling and simulation tools.
GRE designs ITS Smart Mobility System for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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